History Of Artificial Intelligence - The Background
History of ai is very important to understand the present situations. Artificial Intelligence is now transforming from learning stage to enterprise level. Know about the contribution of scientists and AI movies in Artificial Intelligence History.
AI - Artificial Intelligence is a most popular and powerful technology in this century. Yes of course! This technology brings lot of benefits to the humanity. But on the other side it may cause severe problems too. You can measure the outcomes of AI product from Very good to Bad in terms of goodness for the humans. The main problem is we cannot pre determined that. To avoid this problem continuous monitoring is needed and the power of control is to be strong.
Some people believe AI results “Technological singularity”. It means if in future, a powerful super intelligence machines are created the technological job progress will be very fast than ordinary humans. So some believes this condition will eradicate poverty and diseases.
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History of Artificial Intelligence |
Knowing the History of AI is more important to know how we are getting better and better now. It also helps us to know about the steps we have passed in this technology. Today we are getting remarkable results like Self Driving Cars, Robots etc.
1. Isaac Asimov:
In 1950 Isaac Asimov publishes the influential scientific fiction story collection called “I Robot.” It gave the world the word Robot.
2. Alan Turing (1950):
Alan Turing introduces the artificial consciousness called “Turing Test” in his paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” Alan Turing is a brilliant Mathematician and code breaker. He is also often called as Father of computer science and Artificial Intelligence.
3. The Dartmouth conference (1956):
In summer of 1956, which was premised on “the conjecture that every… feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it.” In this conference, the organizers are John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Claude Shannon, Nathaniel Rochester. They are contributed a lot to the field of AI.
This conference launches the field of AI and coins the term “Artificial Intelligence.”
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968):
“2001: A Space Odyssey” the book by Arthur C. Clarke and film by Stanley Kubrick, features the sentient and deadly computer HAL 9000.
5. The “AI winters” (1974-early 1980):
The first Winter of AI, a period of reduced funding and lowered interest in the field as hype turned to disappointment.
The second winter of AI is held on 1987-93.
6. Battlestar Galactica:
In 1978 the original “Battlestar Galactica” science fiction TV series introduces warrior robots called Cylons
7. in 1987, The TV series “Star Trek: The Next Generation” Introduces the self aware android Lieutenant Commander Data.
8. May 11, 1997: IBM’s Deep Blue Computer beats reigning world chess champion Garry Kasparov.
9. June 29, 2001: Steven Spielberg releases his version of a film originally developed by Stanley Kubrick- about a robot boy. “A.I.: Artificial Intelligence.”
10. 2005:”A Stanford vehicle wins the DARPA grand Challenge, driving autonomously across the desert for 131 miles.
11. 2005: Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzwell predicts an event he calls “The Singularity” will occur around 2045, when the intelligence of artificial minds exceeds that of the human brain.
12. 2011: IBM Watson wins “Jeopardy!” beating former champions Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings.
13. October 14, 2011: Apple introduces Intelligent Personal Assistant “Siri” on the iPhone 4S.
14. June 2012: A Google Brain computer cluster trains itself to recognize a cat from millions of images in YouTube videos.
15. Dec 18, 2013: The movie “Her” (left), stars Joaquin Phoenix as a man falls in love with Artificially Intelligent computer Operating System, voiced by Scarlett Johnson.
16. Apr 10, 2014: The film “Transcendence” stars Johnny Deep as an AI Researcher whose mind is uploaded to a computer and develops into a super Intelligence.
17. Jun 7, 2014: Chatbot Eugene Goostman is said to have passed the Turing Test in university of Reading Competition, launching controversy.
18. August, 2014: Researchers call for creation of a new Turing Test, to be decided at 2015 workshop.
AI Movies
Hollywood movies also play an important role in Artificial Intelligence. I think Hollywood hates AI. Lot of movies is designed like Artificial Intelligence is a biggest threat to humans. Some movies are Star Trek series, Short circuit, A.I.: Artificial Intelligence, Interstellar, Star Wars series and Spike Jonze’s 2013 sci-fi romantic comedy film Her, etc...
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