Simple Introduction To Linear Regression

by - February 18, 2017

After knowing the relationship between two variables we may be interested in estimating (predicting) the value of one variable given the value of another. The variable predicted on the basis of other variables is called the “dependent” or the ‘explained’ variable and the other the ‘independent’ or the ‘predicting’ variable. The prediction is based on average relationship derived statistically by regression analysis. The equation, linear or otherwise, is called the regression equation or the explaining equation.

For example, if we know that advertising and sales are correlated we may find out expected amount of sales for a given advertising expenditure or the required amount of expenditure for attaining a given amount of sales.

The relationship between two variables can be considered between, say, rainfall and agricultural production, price of an input and the overall cost of product, consumer expenditure and disposable income. Thus, regression analysis reveals average relationship between two variables and this makes possible estimation or prediction.


Regression is the measure of the average relationship between two or more variables in terms of the original units of the data.

Types Of Regression:

The regression analysis can be classified into:
 a) Simple and Multiple
b) Linear and Non –Linear
c) Total and Partial

a) Simple and Multiple: 

In case of simple relationship only two variables are considered, for example, the influence of advertising expenditure on sales turnover. In the case of multiple relationship, more than two variables are involved.

On this while one variable is a dependent variable the remaining variables are independent ones. For example, the turnover (y) may depend on advertising expenditure (x) and the income of the people (z). Then the functional relationship can be expressed as  y = f (x,z).

b) Linear and Non-linear: 

The linear relationships are based on straight-line trend, the equation of which has no-power higher than one. But, remember a linear relationship can be both simple and multiple. Normally a linear relationship is taken into account because besides its simplicity, it has a better predective value, a linear trend can be easily projected into the future. In the case of non-linear relationship curved trend lines are derived. The equations of these are parabolic.

c) Total and Partial: 

In the case of total relationships all the important variables are considered. Normally, they take the form of a multiple relationships because most economic and business phenomena are affected by multiplicity of cases. In the case of partial relationship one or more variables are considered, but not all, thus excluding the influence of those not found relevant for a given purpose.

Linear Regression Equation: 

If two variables have linear relationship then as the independent variable (X) changes, the dependent variable (Y) also changes. If the different values of X and Y are plotted, then the two straight lines of best fit can be made to pass through the plotted points. These two lines are known as regression lines. Again, these regression lines are based on two equations known as regression equations. These equations show best estimate of one variable for the known value of the other. The equations are linear.
Linear regression equation of Y on X is
Y = a + bX ……. (1)
And X on Y is X = a + bY……. (2) a, b are constants.

From  (1) We can estimate Y for known value of X.        
(2) We can estimate X for known value of Y. 

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